General Prosecutor's Office of Republic of Uzbekistan

The main tasks of the bodies of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan (hereinafter referred to as the "bodies of Prosecutor's Office") are ensuring and strengthening the rule of law, protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens, the interests of the society and the state protected by law, the constitutional system of the Republic of Uzbekistan, prevention and preventive maintenance of offenses.
Bodies of the Prosecutor’s Office carry out their activities in the following main areas:
1. Supervision over the execution of laws by ministries, state committees, departments, citizens` self-government bodies, public associations, enterprises, institutions, organizations, khokims, and other officials;
2. Supervision over the execution of laws aimed at ensuring the rights and freedoms of citizens;
3. Supervision over the execution of laws in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan, military structures of ministries, state committees, and departments;
4. Supervision over the execution of laws by bodies carrying out operational investigative activities, preliminary investigation, investigation, as well as coordination of their activities to combat crime;
5. Conducting an investigation of crimes;
6. Supervision over the execution of laws aimed at strengthening tax discipline, combating crimes and offenses in the tax and currency spheres, as well as compensation for economic damage to the state;
7. Supervision over the execution of laws in places of detention and prisoners, as well as enforcement of criminal penalties and other measures of criminal legal impact;
8. Participation in law-making process and work to improve the legal knowledge of society.